Not another sentence can go on until I mention the individual who made this shoot so incredible. (Unless you count THAT sentence. Oh shoot, I did it again.) RAYMUND ISAAC!!! The name is abundant enough to be a sentence itself! He's only been in the business for over 25 years...He's only shot like half of the pics you see in magazines and billboards...He's only captured the who's who of Philippine society on cam...He's only the most brilliant photographer I've ever had the blessing to work with!

There's also the stylist who put together the beautiful garments and made them work like a delicious cocktail drink! Mervin Lazaro is stylist to celebs like Marian Rivera and he also designs clothes for several labels in the country. From the moment we first met and selected the key items, I knew we were going to jive. The outfits let me be fun and girly without being too prissy, a little more earnest when necessary, and all throughout, fierce! He knew exactly how to maximize every look without exaggerating, and that was the perfect balance.

The best part of it all was that these people--with the most phenomenal skills--also had the most down-to-earth attitudes. It was truly a joy working with them. I realize that's a hackneyed expression, but it really was a joy.

Ofcourse...I wouldn't even be able to write about this experience if it had not been for MCA Music and Real Talent. I think I've got the best people by my side and I am everyday thankful for that. This is gonna be Round 2 for me, and while I know I'm far from where I want to be, I also know that I've got what I need to get there.
P.S. Mr. Raymund Isaac, even though you had not slept for the past three days, I still thought you were a beautiful man! :X And not to mention oh-so debonair. It was an HONOR to have been your subject! :)
you look beautiful, dianne! can't wait for your next album. I'ma buy it fo' sho'! hehe. I'm so happy to be a witness to your blooming career (not to mention being your friend), kahit na di pa kita nakikita ulit since the day we graduated. hehe. oh well, I guess I'll see you around someday. prolly when I get backto PI or pag nagka world tour ka na perhaps? chyeah! miss you! God bless! -Kris
Hi Kris!!! So where in the world ARE you now? Thanks for visiting my blog and checking up on me. :) I hope you're doing great. Let me know when you're coming back to the Philippines for a vacay. Take care!
Diane, I ran across you on YouTube singing "YOu're the Inspiration"... beautiful! I looked all over the Web trying locate somewhere to buy your music, but came up with nothing...Where can I buy It at? I would love to have it!
jacob, may i ask? where in the world are you located? :) if you live here in the philippines i think you'd be able to find it any leading music store. but i don't think they sell it outside the philippines...but thank you so much for your interest! i'm glad you liked my cover. :)
hi jacob, this is dianne's mom. if you are in the U.S., it's available at kabayancentral.com or divisoria.net. or if you want, i can send it to you by mail/fedex. send me your address at this email address: eliseeclar@yahoo.com
hi dianne! it's me Kath! i'm at the Prophets Bar last Saturday with Jb! Ope u still remember! just want to say that you and your music are really amazing! we've watched several artists perform before but you guys perform differently.Thanks to your "DADDY DEAN" and your "ATE". Great family of musicians! So cool and very accomodating... Continue being kind and inspiring us through your music! can't wait to watch you again! See yah and take care!
GEE!! well first of all, you look like maricar de mesa? (on one of your pictures)Danita?(dunno if its also you) Kauro Amane from japan(jrock singer) and there's still more stars/artist that you look so much a-like..but damn! your beauty is astonishing! keep it up
hello ms dianne. im gale, from ilolo city. 16 years old. you are an amazing singer! i really like the way you sing. im hoping that i could get a copy of your new album. :)) more success! && i hpoe that you could visit and have a gig here in iloilo. GodblessYah!
Hi Dianne,
I can't seem to find details of your gigs for the month of October anywhere. Do you still do Aruba Metrowalk on Tuesdays and Prophets on Saturdays?
Thanks and God bless.
hi kath! you're a superb researcher! hehehe! thanks again for coming to watch my gig the other day. hope to see you guys again soon!
erkai - thank you very much! :)
gale - i'll put updates on my blog and on friendster when i'm going to visit iloilo again. wonderful place!
dom - is this the dominic i met together with ryan and michael? gigi and i play every saturday at prophets this month. i'll keep you posted about special gigs. :)
Yes, it is. I'm surprised you remember. :)
Hi Dianne,i must say that you have such a great voice.Lovely version of you're the inspiration,actually i come across this song when i check out youtube.Keep up the good work and may you have further success in your music career.Lastly, I think you are pretty and sweet..love your smile...take care,
cant wait for your new album! looking forward to work with you again.... - mervin
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